More Appointments.
Shorter Queues.

A radiology solution to automate triage
and create more MRI appointments.

Our Partners

Our Solution

Where do we fit in?

request a scan
triage vetting
scan appointment

Scan Request

Your doctor requests a scan from your local hospital.


A specialist must then vet each request individually.

Serenity uses AI to assist and accelerate this process.


The vetted and protocolled scan requests must then be scheduled manually by an administrator.

Serenity automates and optimises this process.

Scan Appointment

You attend your MRI appointment at your allocated time slot.

Assisted vetting animation

What We Do

AI-Assisted Vetting

Save Time

Reducing vetting decisions to a single click saves clinician time.

Clinician Control

All AI decisions must be validated by a clinician mitigating both risk and liability.

Increase Consistency

Using decision support increases clinical consistency by 93%.

Scheduling animation

What We Do

Optimised Scheduling

Seamless Integration

Our software interfaces with all market leading EPR and RIS solutions.

Stay Flexible

Emergency slots, easy cancellations and manual override enable flexible scheduling.

Intelligent Clustering

Our scheduling algorithms reduce downtime between scan.


Our Value Proposition

Dr. Andrew Carne
Chief Clinical Information Officer
NHS Logo

Royal Surrey

NHS Foundation Trust

Believes that automating the querying of patient history and requests for additional tests would improve efficiency.
Dr. Sharan Wadhwani
Consultant Radiologist
NHS Logo

University Hospitals Birmingham

NHS Foundation Trust

Some days radiologists reject over 90% of scan requests; “this is exactly what we need”.
Dr. William Svensson
Consultant Radiologist
NHS Logo

Imperial College Healthcare

NHS Trust

Radiology Digital Systems “definitely could be made more efficient.”
Lesley Honeyfield
Imaging Research Lead
NHS Logo

Imperial College Healthcare

NHS Trust

Its great to see a team working on the “less glamorous” side of AI in radiology.
Dr. Andrew Hatrick
Consultant Radiologist
NHS Logo

Frimley Health

NHS Foundation Trust

"Any efficiency savings and cost savings are absolutely critical. Automation to improve quality, is going to be a big win."


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